A homeowner in Burbank, CA, turned to us for garage door repair. One of the springs on their door snapped, and the door dropped when they tried to close it. They looked online for a solution but decided to call us instead after reading the risks associated with faulty garage door springs. We started the garage door spring replacement as soon as our team got to the site. We replaced the two springs on their door with more robust and long-lasting ones. The repair took less than an hour. The homeowner promised to contact us again if they needed our services.
The torsion spring on your garage door allows it to open and close smoothly. However, this spring is under much tension and can be dangerous when it snaps. When a spring breaks, you are likely to hear an explosive 'pop' and notice the lack of tension in it. The sound of a torsion spring breaking is often compared to an exploding firework or grenade — a high pitch and ear-piercing but harmless sound. You will also see a gap between the coils — a sure sign that your spring is broken.
Attempting to lift your garage door without the help of the torsion spring can be extremely dangerous. Garage doors are very heavy, typically weighing 150-250 pounds or more, and without the support of the spring, they can fall and cause serious injury. Additionally, your garage door spring is under a great deal of tension and weight. Instead of attempting to replace the springs yourself, call the experts at Fixxed Garage Doors to handle the issue. We would know the right type of spring to install on your garage door so that it functions properly and safely.
Causes of Broken Garage Door Springs
Although homeowners would ideally like their garage door parts to last forever, springs have a limited lifespan. The lifespan of a torsion spring is determined by its cycle — the number of times the garage door is used. Lower-quality springs can last only 7,500 cycles and must be replaced every three to four years. On the other hand, higher-quality springs could last for 10,000 cycles and up to 15 years. The lifespan of springs is determined by several factors, which include:
Wear and Tear
You may think 10,000 cycles are a little for a garage door, but most homeowners use their doors at least twice daily. Your usage could increase significantly depending on whether your family also uses the garage door.
The build-up of corrosion on garage door springs can significantly impact their lifespan. In addition, the increased friction caused by the build-up of corrosion weakens the structure of the spring coil, eventually leading to failure. To prevent corrosion and keep the coil well-lubricated, apply WD-40 to the springs three or four times per year.
Improper Maintenance
It is important to perform regular maintenance on your garage door to prolong its lifespan. It includes checking all moving parts and keeping them lubricated as needed. At least once every year, you should also check the balance of your garage door to gauge the health of the springs. To do this, lift the door halfway and then let it go. A door with healthy springs will remain still, while one with worn-out springs will sag or fall.
At Fixxed Garage Doors, we understand the importance of keeping your garage door in good working condition. That is why we offer reliable and affordable garage door repair and maintenance services in Studio City and Burbank. With over ten years of experience, our team can fast and efficiently service your garage door so that you can avoid any potential damage or injury. Call us today for free estimates!