Fixxed Garage Doors was contacted by a homeowner in Van Nuys, CA, who was having issues with their garage door. They said that it had been operating strangely, had become uneven and that there was an unpleasant noise whenever it was opened or closed. We went to the address provided, inspected the garage door, and found that the thing causing the noise was the damaged cables. Our technicians advised the client about the issue and suggested a garage door cable replacement for safety. We tested the door by operating it up and down. We only left the site after ensuring the door was secure and safe.

As an essential component of your garage door, cables lift the full weight of the door and are, therefore, crucial to its proper functioning. These cables wind around the cable drums at the top of the door and connect to the bottom brackets. You can see them on both sides of your door, in line with the track. The cables must be kept in good condition, without fraying or any other damage that could weaken them, to ensure a secure and reliable garage door. Any weak spots in the cables could pose a serious safety hazard for your family.

The springs and cables of your garage door are closely interconnected. If one is damaged, the other is likely to be affected. For example, if the spring snaps, the added tension will stress the cables. If either of these parts breaks, you may hear a popping sound as the tension is released.

If your garage door is not operating as it should, the cable may have detached from the drum, or the spring may be under excessive or inadequate tension. If any of these issues cause the tension to be lost, the door will become heavier and more difficult to lift. Do not try to use the automatic opener to open the door, as this could damage the motor. Instead, you can try opening the door manually, but it will be challenging and require assistance.

What Causes the Cable on a Garage Door to Break?

Here are some typical reasons for garage door cable issues:

Incorrect Cables and Drums

Cables that are too small can break when used with heavier doors. Heavier doors also require longer cables, which means using larger drums to hold the entire length of the wires.


If you have an old garage door, it is important to know that it may not have the same safety features as newer models. It can cause a cable on one side of the garage door to come loose. Ensure your garage door is outfitted with auto-reverse mechanisms and photo safety eyes to prevent this. 

Incorrect Installation

It is important to apply the correct tension to garage door springs based on the door size. Incorrect spring tension can cause the cables to come off the drum or unwind. It usually happens during installation, so the installers must do this carefully.

Damaged Torsion Spring

If your garage door uses torsion springs, it has one or two of them. If either of these springs fails, the cables will automatically loosen and come off, and the door will collapse if it is open at the time. One of the benefits of having two torsion springs on a garage door is that if one spring fails, the other can prevent the door from dropping.

Why You Should Not Fix Your Garage Door Cable Yourself

If your garage door cable is faulty, it is best to contact a professional for repair. Many people try to fix these themselves and end up getting injured in the process. A professional will be able to repair it safely and dependably. 

The technician will evaluate the door's general operation as part of the garage door repair. They may detect issues that could cause excessive wear and tear on the door parts, which would shorten the components' lifespan. By repairing these issues, the longevity of the door parts will improve.

Garage Door Repair Near Me

If your garage door is giving you trouble, do not hesitate to contact a professional. Fixxed Garage Doors will be more than happy to take care of any garage door repair or replacements you may need. We pride ourselves on being a top-quality garage door repair business in Studio City and Burbank, CA, so you can rest assured that your problem is solved quickly and efficiently. No matter the problem, we can fix your garage door promptly and efficiently. We are committed to providing high-quality repair services so you can have peace of mind. Call us now for free estimates.
